Finance + Investment = Wealth
To invest or not to invest is the question.
How to invest, How much to invest is the dilemma.
How long to invest, where to invest is the maze.
Whom to believe, whom not to believe is the paradox.
Will I succeed, Will not I succeed is the nightmare.
What is Financial Planning & Management?
Financial Planning is the process of estimating financial needs of a person and to implement a comprehensive plan to meet those financial needs during his or her lifetime. It is the process of allocating funds for various requirements – Family & Personal needs both Present & Future, Recurring & Ad hoc. It is the process of optimum allocation of income for Essentials, Necessities, Maintenance, Luxuries and Holidays etc. Last but not the least for Savings and Investments for the unforeseen future. Money Saved is Money Earned.
Financial Planning is the process of framing financial objectives, policies, procedures, programmes and budgets in relation to administration of funds. Financial Planning helps in making growth and expansion programmes, it reduces uncertainties and leads to financial freedom.
Financial Management means planning, organizing, directing and controlling the financial activities such as utilization of funds. It means applying general management principles to financial resources.
Financial management is generally concerned with allocation and control of financial resources. It is to ensure regular and adequate supply and optimum utilization of funds. Funds should be utilized in maximum possible way, at least cost and ensure safety of investment, so that adequate rate of return can be achieved. Funds well managed is investment goals achieved and wealth created.
To finance and to enhance is the mission …
I invite you to join me on your investment journey for a well-planned and researched strategy, to be a successful investor.
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